
Salesforce App

Nuwire Documentation

  • Read Full documentation here
  • Watch Demo Video here


  • This is fundamentally a developer tool aimed at developers and data analysts comfortable with SQL.
  • You cannot use this tool to modify data, it is only used for data analysis.

We have 2 concepts here:

  1. Workspace
  2. Tables.

The basic workflow is,

  1. you start a workspace,
  2. add tables to it.
  3. do all your analysis in the workspace.
  4. Download your results as appropriate.
  5. Save your workspace state.
  6. Cycle through above steps as long as you like.


  • When you use the app, you work in a workspace.

  • Workspaces are saved in local storage in JSON object. Use the Chrome developer tools to get a feel for the json format

  • Use the buttons on the tool bar to create workspaces, open workspaces, delete them, refresh them, reload the last workspace etc.

  • A workspace has one or more tables inside it.

  • Workspaces are saved in local storage as a custom object.

  • Each workspace has multiple tables, which brings us to the next concept tables:


  • A table is backed by data coming from various sources. In local mode, these can be URLs or local files.

  • In other forms of the app, data maybe coming in from Salesforce, Box, google Drive, your local databases etc.

  • This data can also be coming as JSON data from URLs that your internal network has access to.

  • Once you have a workspace open, you can use the Start Tab to create one or more tables from various sources on the list.

  • Once tables are available, you can query them using standard SQL.

  • Saving the workspace, saves the table defintions in local storage. It does not actually save the underlying data.

  • In this app, tables are ephemeral objects. They exist only when you are working on an app. The moment you reload the page, navigate away from the page, all tables are destroyed.

  • Each table is wrapped inside a dataset but for the moment that’s an internal concept.

  • Which means, you dont worry about deleting records, dropping tables etc since they do not affect any underlying data. When you go back to the app, and load a workspace all tables in the workspace are re-created.



  • Use the Home tab to see your recent workspaces and load one.


Once you have a workspace open, the Create tab is used to create one or more tables. Use the dropdown to pick the source of data for your table and create tables. The current list of tables appear on the left panel. Save the workspace using the toolbar button to save the state of the workspace after creating one or more tables

Table Explorer

Use the Table Explorer to get stats on the table(s) and slice/dice, sample data, summarize data etc. In particular, in project mode, use the split view to slice and dice side by side.

SQL Explorer

Use this tab to write one more Ad Hoc SQL using the currently loaded tables. Naturally as in standard SQL, Joins, group bys, topN queries are available, unlike in SOQL. We use Duck DB under the hood, so any SQL construct provided by DuckDB are supported. Use our main documentation page as a starting point for many query examples. Also look at DuckDB documentation. Use the split button to run SQL side by side for comparison. Download the data as JSON, PDF, CSV from the grid.


  • Use the workbook to create one or more cells and run these cells.
  • Unlike the SQL Explorer tab, the cells are saved during a workspace save.
  • Once you have created one or more cells in your workbook, click the organize button to drag and drop the cell outputs as you see fit.
  • Currently cells only support SQL.
  • Coming soon: Cells to support creation of various charts, tables etc.


  • Coming soon.
  • Use the organize tab to organize the outputs of the various sql cells as appropriate


  • use the meta tab to run various queries on the state of the database.


This page.


  • All data is stored in memory.
  • A Chrome browser tab is allowed to use about 3.5 GB of RAM today.
  • The more data you load into a workspace, the less performant it is going to be.
  • The trick to getting the best performance out of this tool is to construct your original table as a tight query that brings in the data you want to analyze
  • Use multiple tables as appropriate to do joins, group bys etc to analyze your data.


Use our documentation page for samples on creating tables, running analytical queries against these tables, common salesforce queries and more: Documentation

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